The CEAM operates an experimental station located in a Shrubland field in Caroig (Valencia, Spain). The monitoring activities focused on improving estimates of the carbon and water exchanges between this type of ecosystem and the atmosphere, as well as to study the response of these biogeochemical cycles to climate variability.
The station is located on a plateau (Muela) at an altitude of 800 m (39º 13 '31 "N, 0º 54' 07" W) in the municipality of Cortes de Pallás (Valencia). The climate is typically Mediterranean sub arid with dry and warm summers. The average annual temperature is 12.7 ºC and the annual rainfall is 470 mm. The vegetation corresponds to a typical Mediterranean scrub dominated by shrub species such as rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) the aliaga (Ulex parviflorus Pourret) and the Kermes oak (Quercus coccifera L.), mixed with feet of young pines (Pinus halepensis Mill.) . The area where the station is located has a long history of forest fires so that its current vegetation is the result of the natural regeneration of the scrub. The soils are shallow and rocky. Currently the area constitutes a national hunting reserve.